We brought the “Joy of Cooking Diner” REfire edition to life. To say that this night was full of joy is an understatement. REfire is a culinary training program for people with felony convictions created by Chef Rebecca. It provides essential cooking skills training, job experience, and job placement support to transition successfully into society. The joy of these graduates, their families, and all the guests there to support them made this night hit us straight in the heart. We all need help in life, sometimes for one reason or another. To sponsor organizations in our Tallahassee community that help people with a new chance in life is a cause dear to the heart of Studio Heart.
When we first spoke to Chef Rebecca, she wanted to bring that happy 50s feeling where colors, food, and joy were at the forefront bringing the Joy of Cooking to life. So after looking at the location, we came up with the idea of creating an elevated version of a colorful and fun 50s diner. The result was a burst of joy and colors that blended those classic 50s palettes and fun elements to life.