The Fords are part of our family, and seen their oldest graduate high school and leave the nest was an exercise in nostalgia for us, because when we think about this young man we keep seen the younger boy playing with his brother in our backyard. We were honor that his parents let us create this occasion to celebrate his departure for Tuskegee University. When we started thinking about creating the perfect graduation celebration for him, we knew we wanted it to be a celebration of his achievements in graduating and his acceptance to a top university Tuskegee with a Presidential Scholarship where he is studying engineering.
We also had two additional objectives to accomplish with our event design: One to keep it fresh and playful with all the things that are part of his personality and Two to inspired his journey ahead. To meet the first objective we used his love of basketball to inspired the centerpieces and his collection of Jordans to create our very own sculptural glass box displays pieces reminiscent of high end shoe stores. To bring the inspiration for his journey to the celebration, we designed the floor plan into 3 tables, each representative of one of the principles his university embraces: Leadership, Service and Knowledge and selected Alumni from the school that each best represents those principles to share their story and accomplishments in each of the tables as to create inspiration for the endless possibilities the road ahead of him holds. Seing them enjoy and celebrate with family and friends brought a wonderful glow to the day.