Addiction is a disease that touches many lives in many forms, from drugs to pills to alcohol. Sober living houses are critical resources that can make a difference in the final recovery stages to guarantee a successful re-entry into society. It allows recovering individuals to live in a home while still having all the necessary professional support they need. Last night Studio Heart partnered with @anchorrecoveryfoundation & @djdemp DJ DEMP to help on their mission to recover funds to open Demp Sober Living House and provide help to people in need in our Tallahassee community.
We only had two days to pull this together, but as always, we took inspiration from the story to infuse into the design. The necessary social distance reminded us of the journey addicts face in being a part of society but still feeling isolated. So we kept the distance by only seating 4 people at a table, but created beautiful cascading bridge of balloons, teal flowers, and peacock feathers as a bridge centerpiece to join two tables to represent the shared beauty in life despite the distance, like coming together for such a great cause.
The 3 teal tables with tall crystal centerpieces represented the rough waters addicts face at the bottom with the light that awaits them if they dare to look up and reach up to the sky.
It was beautiful to be part of this great cause and share it with other people in our community. Listening to the guest speaker Joanna Johnson, MSW, CAC, CCFC story was a wonderful reminder of how worthy this cause is and how important is to see the potential instead of the problems. If you would like to be part of this great cause, you can contribute with your donation by going to their website at Every little bit helps.