This B&W Mascarade inspired Studio Heart event we created for Demp House in partnership with @djdemp and @anchorrecoveryfoundation for their annual fundraising banquet was a detailed artistic interpretation of the struggle between light and dark, the hiding behind a fake mask, and the feeling of being caged that addicts have to face in their everyday struggle. We got inspired by their strength and turned all those aspects seen as negative into it a beautiful positive design for a night of celebrating and supporting their achievements in the path to sober living and to helping other also achieve a productive life free from addiction. We love being able to use our creativity to help and support people in need in our community.
#studioheart #theheartofpossibility #tallahasseeeventplanner #tallahasseeweddingplanner #dempweek #demphouse #community #ihearttally #givingback #givingbacktothecommunity