London’s passion for travel, living in other countries, and experiencing different cultures firsthand was the beginning of our inspiration for this unique surprise graduation party. In every country, no matter the continent, you will always find a “Market” where you can experience local food, art, craft, culture, and people. We knew we wanted to take that idea and give it a global twist that allowed us to mix many cultures to represent London’s interest in everything International. We transformed The Ball House and Cottages at Southwood into: “London’s International Bazaar,” a collection of global markets complete with souvenirs shop, worldwide art and craft, tea market, food and sandwich market, and interactive activities.
In the “souvenir market” the guests could load up on goodies, pack some coffee for the next road trip, or pick up their travel bucket list passport to let London’s passion inspire them to adventures of their own. Instead of a traditional guestbook, we had snapshots of celebrations from around the world for guests to pick and caption with their message. Not only will London have heartfelt words, but also the back of each card has information about cultures, traditions, and countries she might be inspired to visit and experience in the future. London loves tea, so as part of the food market, we had a complete international tea market for the guests to find a refreshing favorite or try a new flavor. The sandwich market was perfect for both adults and kids to custom make their very own favorite sandwich. Each table centerpiece and fireplace mantel was a collection of artifacts, crafts, and items with a global influence.
London was stunned by her mom’s surprise graduation party!!! Mission accomplished.